Enum for the casting of the libmrss data struct
This enum describes the error type of libmrss
Flag list for mrss_set and mrss_get functions
This function returns a static string with the description of curl code
Returns the mrss_element_t of a mrss data struct.
Frees any type of data struct of libmrss. If the element is alloced by libmrss, it will be freed, else this function frees only the internal data. ` mrss_t *t=....; mrss_item_t *item=...;
returns the request arguments. The syntax is the same of mrss_set but the values of the list are pointer to data element (int *, * char **). If the key needs a char **, the value will be allocated.
Returns the number of seconds sinze January 1st 1970 in the UTC time zone, for the url that the urlstring parameter specifies. With options struct
Returns the number of seconds sinze January 1st 1970 in the UTC time zone, for the url that the urlstring parameter specifies. With options struct and CURLcode pointer.
To create a new feed RSS from scratch, use this function as the first.
adds an element to another element. For example: add a item to a channel, or a category to a item, and so on.
This function destroys a options struct.
This function creates a options struct.
Parses a buffer and creates the data struct of the feed RSS url
Parses a file and creates the data struct of the feed RSS url
Parses a url and creates the data struct of the feed RSS url. This function downloads your request if this is http or ftp.
Parses a url and creates the data struct of the feed RSS url. This function downloads your request if this is http or ftp. with an options struct.
Parses a url and creates the data struct of the feed RSS url. This function downloads your request if this is http or ftp. with an options struct and CURLcode error
Like the previous function but you take ownership of the downloaded buffer in case of success
Removes a subdata element.
This function searches an attribute from a mrss_tag_t, a name and a namespace
Search a tag in a mrss_t, a mrss_item_t or a mrss_tag_t from name and a namespace.
For insert/replace/remove a flags use this function as this example: ` mrss_set(mrss, MRSS_FLAG_TITLE, "hello world", MRSS_FLAG_END); mrss_set(item, MRSS_FLAG_DESCRIPTION, null, MRSS_FLAG_END); `
This function returns a static string with the description of error code
Write a RSS struct data in a buffer.
Writes a RSS struct data in a local file
Data struct for the attributes of the tag Struct data for external attribute
Data struct for category elements
Data struct for skipDays elements.
Data struct for skipHours elements.
Data struct for any items of RSS. It contains a pointer to the list of categories.
Options data struct. It contains some user preferences.
Principal data struct. It contains pointers to any other structures.
Data struct for any other tag out of the RSS namespace. Struct data for external tags
mRss(http://www.autistici.org/bakunin/libmrss/doc/) is a C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS/ATOM files or streams.
Written 2014,2015,2016,2017 by Laeeth Isharc and Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited